We are experienced at providing advice in a range of areas related to forms of injury
Personal Injury is the law relating to accidents which is not the fault of the injured, or which are on when they are only partly to blame someone else’s negligence has contributed to the injuries suffered by that person. If you have suffered injury, but are unsure whether you do have a claim, give us a ring and we would be pleased to advise you over the phone.
What can I claim for? We currently act for many clients who have been involved in accidents at work either due to the wrong provisions of tools or information or inadequate protective clothing supplied to the employee. In such cases an employer may be found to be to blame for their injuries.
Other clients thought that they were unable to bring claims for injuries because they were related to the person responsible for causing the injury. This arises very often in road traffic accidents, where perhaps a husband was driving a car which crashed injuring his wife. However, if the driver is insured, the insurance company will be obliged to compensate the wife for her injuries, regardless of their relationship.

What is involved in a claim?
Once we have advised that you have a claim is worth pursuing, we will arrange an appointment where the details of the accident can be evaluated. We will then start to gather evidence in support of your case. We will write to the person you believe to be responsible for the injuries, telling him that you wish to make a claim against him and giving him details of the claim. Generally claims for personal injury must start within three years of the accident happening, but there are exceptions to this rule, particularly in cases involving children.
Some people may be put off taking a claim because they believe that solicitors are very expensive and they may not be able to afford to pay the fees. However, you may be covered by an existing insurance policy under your household contents policy or even your credit card, for example. We realise that insurance policies are not always that easy to read or understand, so if you bring the documents into us we can check to see whether you are covered.
In addition to Road Traffic Accident Claims
we offer advise and assistance in Employers Liability Claims and Public Liability Claims